Like other languages R also has control statements; today in this post we will explore them with examples and illustrations and at the end we will also derive a function using them.
for loop:
it is to perform certain repetitive tasks for specific number of time.
We have created a vector with 5 integers in it. loop variable var is passed with looplist vector; in first run of the loop var is assigned with 1 and it perform the task;
ie. 1 is assigned to task and it is printed and sleeps for 1 sec.
general syntax of for loop in R
while loop:
Like any other languages while performs the tasks until the output of the loop condition provides 1
one sample example is given below, here value of a variable i has been initialized to 0 and passed to while loop condition (i<5) the loop will proceed in first cycle when value is 0 it prints 0 and increments by 1 and when it encounters close flower bracket it returns back to check the condition. loop continues so on until it reaches value 5 that is when condition breaches and it breaks the loop
if-else statement:
if else statement is a static condition evaluation statement and based on the output of the condition it performs the tasks.
If this true then perform this task else perform that
here we have initialized variable i to 0 and passed to if condition it evaluates if i is equal to 0 then it prints the string “zero” else it prints “non-zero”
using above learning here we have written a code chunk to find even and odd numbers in a vector
output of the code
we can go one step ahead and wrap everything in a function like below and call it whenever we want
that is for next post,